At The Cognizant Group, we believe every body is capable of functioning beyond current circumstances. Our approach expands the body’s physical and mental capabilities by integrating NeuroMovement, Comprehensive Counseling, Functional Nutrition and Wellness Coaching. Schedule an appointment to take your first step toward functioning beyond your circumstances.
ABM® NeuroMovement® is a movement-based learning modality supported by brain plasticity research. Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) treats the slight motion of the brain and spinal cord that pumps cerebrospinal fluid into the fascial web.
Counseling sessions focus on individual, couples, family therapy, and career counseling, and address a wide variety of mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, addictions, grief, adjustment disorders, and trauma.
Nutrition expertise is integrated with mental health and counseling to support clients in a unique way. Specialties include functional medicine nutrition and coaching, eating disorders, pediatric nutrition, special needs, and family nutrition planning.
Functional and integrative nutrition and coaching options are offered by way of micronutrient assessments, food sensitivity testing, bioelectric impedence analysis, and stool assessments. Services are provided by a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach.